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Friday, 4 October 2019

John A Davison RIP

Sad news for the society about the recent death of John Davison who has enlightened and entertained us so often. Here's one of his poems:

Hope by John Davison

August death, we hail

      Your kindly power:

We know our flesh will fail

      And Time devour

The house of clay at last;

      Our life is lease

Not freehold, and must cease;

      The die is cast.

Indeed, and from the first

            Our end is sure;

       But this curse, though your worst

            Will not endure.

       The body’s yours to claim;

            The spirit draws

       Its substance from a name

            More real than yours.

      We move through you, we hope,

            From good to better:

      You burn the envelope;

       We keep the letter.


A full tribute will appear on the blog later this month

Next Society Meeting: Friday 18 October "Oscar Wilde and the Black Douglas"

Lord Gawain Douglas, poet and performer,

returns to relate, from his family's side, the infamous story that rocked Victorian society. 
Friday 18 October at 7 for 7:30pm
In the Lower Court Hall (by kind permission of the Mayor)

Free to members Non-members also welcome – suggested donation £5 includes glass of wine