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The most recent entries or "posts" appear at the top. To find older ones, scroll down. On the right at the bottom of the page are links to older posts, which you can click on to find material posted last year, last month, etc.

Contributions are welcome and can be e-mailed to me at Content can include 1) announcements about, or introductions to, forthcoming meetings and other events of possible interest to members. 2) Summaries of talks given at Literary Society meetings or at meetings of the Book Group. 3) Announcements of forthcoming TV or radio programmes of possible interest to readers. 4) Reviews of books read recently or in the past.

Ideally, contributions should be submitted as documents in Word format (.doc or .docx files) and pictures in the form of .jpg files but other formats, including .pdf files are acceptable.

Links can be included to give easy access to relevant material on the internet.

Sunday, 18 August 2019

July party

There was a party for members at Rye View, hosted by Howard Norton and David Page. Because of threatening weather the meal was indoors, preceded by drinks in the garden.

For those who couldn't be there, here's a quiz we did on the given names of authors often known by their initials.

Answers are at the bottom of last month's post, below. Good luck.

TS Eliot                                  
HG Wells                              
JRR Tolkien                         
PD James                             
Dorothy L Sayers              
Jerome K Jerome             
JG Ballard                             
AA Milne                            
VS Pritchett                        
EE Cummings                     
WB Yeats                             
PG Wodehouse                
WH Auden                          
JM Barrie                             
EB White                              
CS Lewis                               
JK Rowling                          
LM Montgomery              
Arthur C Clarke                 
CJ Driver