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Wednesday, 23 May 2018

Poems of Home and Exile, Mayfield Festival

Poems of Home and Exile

Earlier this month I was lucky enough to visit the Mayfield Festival and attended a wonderful poetry reading given by Jonty Driver and Isobel Dixon.   ‘Poems of Home and Exile’ was the title and it was a timely reminder of the feeling of loss and heartache that exile, from the country of one’s birth, can evoke.

Both Driver and Dixon were born and raised in South Africa.   Listening to their poetry it was easy to realise how much the country meant to both of them and what a wrench it must have been to bid it farewell.   Although Jonty Driver was forced to leave and Isobel Dixon left through choice, the strength of their memories was equally strong and came alive in their readings.   Their tales of family, the karoo and life in South Africa gave a vivid and touching picture of a wide open, beautiful country and a lifestyle slowly slipping into history.

Jonty Driver is on stage again at the Hythe Festival on 11 July (St Michael’s Church, 3.00 pm) reading from his two new books of poetry, ‘Before’ and ‘Still Farther’, currently in preparation.   Definitely a date for your diary.

Linda McCarthy

Thursday, 3 May 2018

Events in May

Literary Society May Meeting:

 Good and Bad Hymns: “Poetry of Hymns” Workshop led by Jonty Driver Friday 18 May at 7 for 7:30pm in the Lower Court Hall by kind permission of the Mayor

Mayfield Fesival: 

 (see below) 10 May: Poetry reading by Jonty Driver and Isobel Dixon

Events at Rye Bookshop:

Saturday 5 May: - Author Pamela Holloway will be signing copies of her new novel 'Claire's Story' from 10.30am.

Friday 11 May:- Bronwen Griffiths is giving an evening talk to launch her latest book 'Here Casts No Shadow', from 6pm
Saturday 12 May:- Cherry Radford will be signing copies of her novel 'The Lighthouse Keeper's Daughter'. (Time to be confirmed; contact bookshop) 

April Meeting The Romantic Seaside, a talk by Jane Darcy

Lured to the Court Hall, the Lit. Soc.’s  Lonely Hearts assembled to hear a lively discourse from a vivacious, ebullient Jane Darcy on the topic of  “The Romantic Seaside” Lorna Challand’s introduction reviewed the speaker’s oeuvre in which melancholy seemed to feature prominently but the black bile disease and the  attendant humours propounded by the physicians of Antiquity were displaced by a thoroughly modern one which saw the lecture punctuated by frequent bursts of audience laughter. 
The narrative began in the mid-eighteenth century as some doctors deserted their old haunts in spa towns for seaside villages where they became enthusiastic proponents of seabathing. Contemporary cultural influences like Dutch landscape painting, which presented the coast as a liminal space, and the Enlightenment vogue for Natural Theology, which saw the hand of the Creator all-present in Nature, helped turbocharge seabathing’s surging popularity. Medical treatment then was still driven by concepts of correcting imbalances of humours and excretions of toxins which explained the enthusiasm for emetics, purgatives and bloodletting. 
Dr. Richard Russell of Lewes was an early pioneer of therapeutic seabathing at Brighton. Physicians, possibly with an eye to their fee schedule, micromanaged the prescription of the treatment with a Dr. White recommending “the dip” last less than 2 minutes, with the maximum permitted “dosage” being twice a day or 3 times a week. Just as modern sports generate a demand for essential “accoutrements” so Georgian seabathing spawned bathing chariots with awnings, flannel swimsuits, oilskin caps, bathing guides or “dippers”and a macho, extreme-sport fringe of men who swam naked – usually at another part of the beach. In the spirit of Enlightenment empiricism, a Dr. Anderson interviewed experienced bathing assistants before issuing an advisory code for female bathers on what to do if pregnant, menstruating or seeking to cure infertility. Much of the medical advice was devoid of logic and consistency so preliminary “tonics”, alcohol and hearty meals were prescribed on occasion. Male voyeurism, aided by powerful telescopes placed on viewpoints, was a parallel activity recorded in cartoons by Rowlandson – a sort of Donald McGill of the time.  
Seabathing was incorporated into contemporary literature. The speaker described Jane Austen’s Sanditon as the lost novel of seabathing, recounted the bathing misfortunes of Matthew Bramble, the main protagonist in Tobias Smollet’s  Humphrey Clinker, at Scarborough and told of Boswell’s surprise at Brighton to find that Dr. Johnson was a strong swimmer.  
Jane Darcy’s favourite seaside venue was the south coast of the Isle of Wight, visited by a litany of literary luminaries – Darwin, Turgenev, Keats, George Eliot, Karl Marx, Wordsworth, Charles Lamb and Tennyson. Perhaps not surprising that the last left the island complaining of too many tourists! The magnet for the tourists was now sea air and sea views. “Picturesque” travellers cherished rugged vistas marked by variety, singularity and grandeur.
The audience expressed their appreciation of a lecture marked by extensive research, learning lightly worn and an irrepressible, mischievous humour, with a resounding round of applause. 

Bill Doherty