On Monday 7 August the Box Office opened
at Phillips and Stubbs, 47 - 49 Cinque Ports Street, opening hours 9:30 am to
12:30 pm Mon – Fri. (also Saturday 16, 23, and 30 September.) You can also book
on-line at www.ryeartsfestival.co.uk
The programme includes:
Saturday 16 Sept 11:00 Milligan Theatre: Talk by Kenneth
Clarke about his political memoir: “A Kind of Blue”
Sunday 17 Sept 15:00 Tudor Room, The Mermaid Inn: Prof Andrew
Hadfield with Peter Franczak on "Shakespeare in Rye"
Sunday 17 Sept 19:00 Community Centre: Talk by Karin Fernald
on "Jane Austen - The Early Years"
Monday 18 Sept 11:00 opposite Rye Lodge Hotel (booking essential) Allan Downend
Guided walk: Mapp and Lucia in Rye
Monday 18 Sept 15:00 Mermaid Inn: Terri Fleming , “Perception”,
her sequel to “Pride and Prejudice”
Tuesday 19 Sept 17:30 Methodist Church: Sally Smith QC on
her biography of Marshall Hall
Wednesday 20 Sept 11:30 Kino Cinema: free screening of
2014 BBC production of “Mapp & Lucia”
Wednesday 20 Sept 12:30 Tuscan Rye, Lion Street: Guy Fraser-Sampson:
Lucia’s Luncheon
Thursday 21 Sept 15:00 Methodist Church: Dame Stephanie
Shirley: introducing her memoir, “Let IT Go”
Thursday 21 Sept 19:00 Bowler Crab
Production of “A Midsummer Night’s Dream”
Thursday 21 Sept 20:10 Kino Cinema: "Clueless" (Film
reworking of Jane Austen’s“Emma”)
Saturday 23 Sept 12:00 to 19:30 Kino Courtyard: “Caravan
Shorts” – Two short films: "Maid of Kent" and "Dust to Dust"
Saturday 23 Sept 15:00 Mermaid Inn: Evie Wyld (award-winning
author) “Talk on the Wyld Side”
Sunday 24 Sept 15:00 Methodist Church: Claire Fuller on “Swimming
Lessons” and how it got written
Sunday 24 Sept 18:00 Nicholas Collett “Your
Bard” performance playing two parts
Monday 25 Sept 17:45 Rye Bookshop: “The Art of
Translation” by a panel of translators
Tuesday 26 Sept 15:00 Methodist Church: Dr Andrew Bamji “Faces
from the Front” Facial reconstruction surgery and the pioneering work by Sir Harold Gllies during and after the First World War
Wednesday 27 Sept 15:00 Methodist Church: Vanessa
Nicholson “Have you Been Good?” a memoir
Thursday 28 Sept 20:10 Kino Cinema: Helen Simonson
Writers of Rye (TV documentary)
Thursday 28 Sept 18:00 Community Centre: Margaret Hodge “Called
to Account” (political memoir)
Friday 29 Sept 15:00 The Mermaid Inn: William Shaw “The
Birdwatcher” (his crime novel set in Dungeness)
Sunday 1 Oct 17:00 Community Centre: “Austentatious” the
improvised Jane Austen novel