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Saturday, 26 August 2017

Literary Events at Rye Arts Festival. 16 September to 1 October 2017

On Monday 7 August the Box Office opened at Phillips and Stubbs, 47 - 49 Cinque Ports Street, opening hours 9:30 am to 12:30 pm Mon – Fri. (also Saturday 16, 23, and 30 September.) You can also book on-line at  

The programme includes:

Saturday 16 Sept 11:00 Milligan Theatre: Talk by Kenneth Clarke about his political memoir: “A Kind of Blue”

Sunday 17 Sept 15:00 Tudor Room, The Mermaid Inn: Prof Andrew Hadfield with Peter Franczak on "Shakespeare in Rye"

Sunday 17 Sept 19:00 Community Centre: Talk by Karin Fernald on "Jane Austen - The Early Years"

Monday 18 Sept 11:00 opposite Rye Lodge Hotel (booking essential) Allan Downend Guided walk: Mapp and Lucia in Rye

Monday 18 Sept 15:00 Mermaid Inn: Terri Fleming , “Perception”, her sequel to “Pride and Prejudice”

Tuesday 19 Sept 17:30 Methodist Church: Sally Smith QC on her biography of Marshall Hall

Wednesday 20 Sept 11:30 Kino Cinema: free screening of 2014 BBC production of “Mapp & Lucia”

Wednesday 20 Sept 12:30 Tuscan Rye, Lion Street: Guy Fraser-Sampson: Lucia’s Luncheon

Thursday 21 Sept 15:00 Methodist Church: Dame Stephanie Shirley: introducing her memoir, “Let IT Go”

Thursday 21 Sept 19:00 Bowler Crab Production of “A Midsummer Night’s Dream”

Thursday 21 Sept 20:10 Kino Cinema: "Clueless" (Film reworking of Jane Austen’s“Emma”)

Saturday 23 Sept 12:00 to 19:30  Kino Courtyard: “Caravan Shorts” – Two short films: "Maid of Kent" and  "Dust to Dust"

Saturday 23 Sept 15:00 Mermaid Inn: Evie Wyld (award-winning author) “Talk on the Wyld Side”

Sunday 24 Sept 15:00 Methodist Church: Claire Fuller on “Swimming Lessons” and how it got written

Sunday 24 Sept 18:00 Nicholas Collett “Your Bard” performance playing two parts

Monday 25 Sept 17:45 Rye Bookshop: “The Art of Translation” by a panel of translators

Tuesday 26 Sept 15:00 Methodist Church: Dr Andrew Bamji “Faces from the Front” Facial reconstruction surgery and the pioneering work by Sir Harold Gllies during and after the First World War

Wednesday 27 Sept 15:00 Methodist Church: Vanessa Nicholson “Have you Been Good?” a memoir

Thursday 28 Sept 20:10 Kino Cinema: Helen Simonson Writers of Rye (TV documentary)

Thursday 28 Sept 18:00 Community Centre: Margaret Hodge “Called to Account” (political memoir)

Friday 29 Sept 15:00 The Mermaid Inn: William Shaw “The Birdwatcher” (his crime novel set in Dungeness)

Sunday 1 Oct 17:00 Community Centre: “Austentatious” the improvised Jane Austen novel

September Events at the Rye Bookshop

Thanks to Camilla, Lizzie's successor at the Rye Bookshop, for the following details:

Saturday 2 September 12 - 2 pm: Chris O'Donoghue Book signing of "Blood on the Tide"

Saturday 9 September 12 - 2pm: Judith Thompson: book signing of "The Orange Autumn"

Thursday 21 September 6 pm:Peter Harrison: Talk about his book, The Medical Officer's Diary RAF Luneburg 1947 (The post-war diaries and photographs of his father, Richard Harrison.) Some interesting artefacts from the war will also be on display.

Monday 25 September 6 pm: Charlotte Collins: panel discussion on "The Art of Translation", Tickets for this event, which is part of the Rye Arts Festival can be booked through the Festival booking office. Charlotte has translated popular books such as "The Tobacconist" and "A Whole Life" by Robert Seethaler.

Thursday 28 September 11 am: Book signing by Dr Andrew Bamji, following his talk "Faces from the Front", at the Rye Arts Festival on Tuesday 26 September, at Rye Methodist Church. His subject is the pioneering facial reconstruction surgery performed by Sir Harold Gillies on servicemen wounded in the First World War.

Saturday 30 September 12 - 3 pm Book signing by Pamela D Holloway of her book "A Different Kind of Life"